The implementation and qualitative evaluation of a program in art to improve teachers' emotional regulation

Published: Dec 20, 2024
social-emotional learning emotional regulation arts educational interventions
Konstantia Ioannoglou

Teachers' emotions are related to a variety of important teaching outcomes. Artistic creative activities offer a dynamic that pushes participants to work holistically by awakening the body, senses, emotion and mind in order to understand their emotions and manage them. The purpose of this research  was the qualitative evaluation of a training program in various forms of Art, which was designed and implemented in order to strengthen the ability of emotional regulation of teachers. Eleven primary school teachers took part in the research. The qualitative evaluation of the educational program in Art by the participants was done at the end of its implementation and aimed to check the social validity of the program. The research tool used was an Improvised Program Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results showed that the goals and process of the program received high social acceptance from the participants, while the significance of the results was slightly lower.

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