Theatre/drama as education - the drama pedagogical workshop as political action

Published: Dec 20, 2024
dramapedagogical field dramapedagogical workshop history of drama in education pedagogical principles aesthetic origins theatrical origins human rights education
Nassia (Athanasia) Choleva

The present study explores the pedagogical, aesthetic and theatrical origins of the drama-pedagogical landscape in Greece and internationally. A critical bibliographic overview is attempted its birth, its evolution in different Schools and examples around the world, to its current image in Greece. Furthermore, the basic characteristics of a drama-pedagogical workshop are examined and specifically those that make participation in it an action with political parameters. In the last part of the study, the three necessary parameters of Human Rights Education (HRE) are compared with the functions of the drama-pedagogical workshop, and the conclusion is drawn that the latter by definition can and indeed serves the needs of HRE effectively.

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