The utilisation of digital drama in the educational process Enhancing the role of the student

Published: Dec 28, 2024
new technologies digital media digital drama students education drama in education identity
Emilia Karantzouli

This paper is an extract from the author’s doctoral thesis on digital drama and its utilisation in the educational process (Karantzouli, 2023). Through a review of international literature, the main objective is to establish that activities combining the techniques of theatre in education with new technologies and digital media can enhance the role that students can play in a student-centred educational process. The possibility of exploring the student’s “identity” through the activities of the hybrid form of digital drama is analysed and finally, reference is made to the aesthetic cultivation that can be achieved for students through relevant activities. The paper aims to highlight the great potential as well as the benefits that can be achieved by raising questions and providing food for thought and discussion.

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Author Biography
Emilia Karantzouli, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Emilia Karantzouli has graduated from the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education and the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece. She also holds a Master's degree and a PhD in Theatre and Education from the same university (Dissertation topic: Digital Drama and its Utilisation in the Educational Process). She has worked as a teacher in the private sector at the Arsakeia Primary Schools of Psychiko, has participated as a researcher in numerous projects of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and is also responsible for the design of educational programmes and activities of the company Paths of Greece. In recent years she has worked as an assistant director alongside Takis Tzamargias (2021–present) and Stamatis Fasoulis (2024–2025). She is a permanent collaborator of the Art and Speech Laboratory of the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education (NKUA) as well as an instructor in the Supplementary Distance Education Programmes of the Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (Aesthetic Codes in the Digital Age from the Dramatic Text to the Frame of the Performance, Contemporary Digital Applications of Museum Education and The History of Art in Contemporary Education).

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