“Making Space In-Between Cultures”: Τhe experience of working with others

Published: Dec 28, 2024
theatre education programme applied theatre professional acting techniques community
Georgina Kakoudaki

The aim of this educational exchange programme is to bring together applied theatre students and drama school students in order to establish ways in which theatre education and theatre as a performing art can be combined to create a new dialogue on form and content – both on a pedagogical and political level. Since theatre educators often lack performing skills and actors often lack pedagogical skills – the means needed to communicate the content of the play to others, the playing/interacting aspect (if necessary) with the audience – the programme focused on:
How drama students can find new ways to invent content on crucial issues – a great contribution to creative thinking and dramaturgy, and
How applied theatre students can focus on the performative, acting, expressive methodology that can develop certain skills on stage. 
Held annually, this programme aspires to create a pathway for the integration of drama and applied theatre in society so that actors of the future will be more focused on the needs of the community when on stage and theatre educators will have more aesthetically sophisticated tools when working for the community.

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  • Innovative Projects Presentations
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Author Biography
Georgina Kakoudaki, Theatre theorist, director and theatre educator

Georgina Kakoudaki is a director and a theatre theorist with a 25-year career in the field of theatre and education. She holds a Master’s degree in Theatre from the Department of Theatre Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, and has written extensively on directing, cinema and cinematography aesthetics and theatre education. She has directed and worked as a dramaturg in over 30 theatre and dance performances. She has teaching experience in theatre-related courses in higher education, in Greece and abroad, and has taught theatre in primary and secondary education. Between 2016 and 2019, she was the Head of the Epidaurus Lyceum, the international summer school on ancient drama of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, and a consultant for its educational programmes.

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