The scientific journal PRESCHOOL & PRIMARY EDUCATION accepts manuscripts in Greek and English. The following guidelines are valid for both languages.
There are no submission charges and APCs charges.
The submission process at a glance
All manuscripts that fall within the scope of the journal are considered on condition that they are original and have not been published or submitted to another journal. Articles must be submitted electronically via the journal’s webpage (
Authors should first register (free) with the journal and then submit their manuscript.
Registration in the journal (if not already a registered user). You must register as an author to submit a paper
The following fields in your profile are mandatory (papers will not be assigned for review if the mandatory fields are not completed):
- Name
- Last Name
- Email
- Affiliation (Capacity, Institution, Department. Divide the three with semi-colons (;))
- ORCID ID This is an international researcher attribute that can be acquired at no cost at It is a very useful way to attribute work to authors and to connect information online. Some funders require this
- Country
If you have already registered, upgrade your profile by choosing the option “author” in the “Roles” field.
Providing information in two languages
First fill in your information in the language that the article is written. Then provide in a second language, if desired. If first language is other than English, English should be the second language. Choose the language from language form dropdown list and submit to define the language. First fill in one language, then in the second and save at the end. Do not save in between the two languages. The process is the same for providing article metadata.
The Editor considers articles that reflect a mature stage of research, and which are carefully presented in terms of writing. Articles are accepted for publication solely on the basis of merit according to the results of a blind peer-review process. The Editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript before the review process begins. Manuscripts are sent to two reviewers, who are asked to submit their reviews within one month. In case of conflicting reviews, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. Upon receipt of the reviews, author is informed in writing of the Editor’s decision to accept, reject or request changes to the article, and the contents of the reviews are made known to the author(s). The revised form of an article should take into consideration the changes requested by the reviewers and should comply with the formatting standards set by the journal as described below. Articles are published in pdf format. The author is responsible for editing the article to a level acceptable for publication in the final stages. By submitting an article for publication to PRESCHOOL & PRIMARY EDUCATION the author assumes responsibility for adhering to intellectual property rights law, assures that no violation is caused to the intellectual property rights of third parties, and accepts unobtrusively the copyright policies of PRESCHOOL & PRIMARY EDUCATION.
Initial submission
Manuscripts of no more than 15.000 words should be submitted electronically via the journal webpage in Microsoft Word (doc) format (tables, figures, images, references included in one file). Longer articles will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. In case of two or more authors, the corresponding author should be indicated. Submissions should also include at least four (4) keywords in both Greek and English.
Submissions should be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words in the language of the paper. Submissions in Greek should additionally be accompanied by an abstract of 500 words in English. It is suggested that abstracts should include the following structure:
- Introduction (theoretical background)
- Purpose of the study
- Method (participants, design & materials)
- Results
- Implications & conclusions
Fill in the article metadata first in the language that the article has been written, including author information for all authors (as described above).
The following metadata fields are obligatory:
- Title
- Abstract (obligatory in two languages)
- Keywords(obligatory in both languages. Separate keywords with semi-colons (;))
- Language (insert en for English, fr for French)
- References (copy and paste the bibliography of your article in this field. It should be in APA style. This allows the editors to provide direct links to those articles, if they exist online, to help readers of your article directly export bibliographies in various formats, and help track the usage of these references)
We recommend that you fill as many fields as possible in the ‘indexing’ section beyond the obligatory ones above. Indexing helps network your article and make it more visible in the web.
OpenAIRE metada. If your submission is the result of EC funding through Horizon 2020, this field is obligatory to fill with the grant agreement number of your research grant. This will allow for your publication to become visible in the European repository, which provides open access to all publications funded by the EC.
Supporting Institutions. We recommend that you fill this field if your article is the result of specific funding, for example by an FP7, Horizon 2020 project, by a private Foundation (by filling in e.g. European Commission or Welcome Trust).
Authors may follow the progress of their manuscript through all stages of publication via their account on the journal’s website.
Manuscript style
Manuscripts should be double spaced, with justified alignment, in 12-point Times New Roman fonts, and with 2,50 cm margins all around. The title should be in bold lowercase letters, 14-point fonts and centred. The author(s’) names should not appear in the text of the manuscript in order to facilitate the blind review. The Editor reserves the right to remove author names from the manuscript, if they appear, to secure the blind review.
The main text should follow next, in 12-point lowercase letters and in justified alignment. For headings use bold 12-point lowercase letters and for subheadings 12-point Italics.
Sources should be cited in the text in parentheses, in alphabetical order, using the author’s surname, the publication date of the work cited, and a page number if needed (e.g. Clay, 2000; Morrow, Strickland, & Woo, 1998). Guidelines specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020) should be followed for citations and references (
More specifically, the following rules apply:
Refences to a book: Goswami, U. & Bryant, P. (1990). Phonological skills and learning to read. Erlbaum.
Reference to an article: Schweinhart, L.J., &Weikart, D.P. (1997). The High/Scope preschool curriculum study through age 23. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 12, 117-143, DOI:
Reference to a chapter in edited book or essay in edited collection: Willen, W. (1996). Thinking skills instruction in social studies classrooms. In B. Massialas & R. Allen (Eds.), Crucial issues in teaching social studies K – 12 (pp. 111- 144). Wadsworth.
Reference to a translated book: Pinker, St. (2000). To glossiko enstinkto. Pos o nous dimiourgi ti glossa [The language instinct. How the brain creates language]. (Eds) A. Kalokerinos, G. Malamis, Transl. Evag. Mouma. Katoptro.
Reference to a source available online: Sylva, K., Melhuish, E. C., Sammons, P., Siraj-Blatchford, I., &Taggart, B. (2004).The effective provision of preschool education (EPPE) project. Technical Paper 12. The Final Report: Effective Preschool Education. London: Institute of Education. Retrieved June 2007 from:
The reference list is arranged alphabetically according to the Latin alphabet. Tables, figures and charts should be embedded in text according to the author’s preferences. Table titles should be placed above the table body and captions for figures and charts should be placed right underneath. Endnotes should be avoided. If used, these should be numbered starting with 1 and continuing through the article. The endnote list should appear before the reference list.
Final submission
Upon notification that an article is accepted for publication the author is asked to submit the final version within one month. The revised version should take into consideration the changes requested by the reviewers and should be submitted in Microsoft Word (doc) format. In this final version the author(s’) names should follow right underneath the title written in bold lowercase letters, 12-point fonts, and centred. The author(s) titles and affiliations should be written under the name in lowercase italics, 12-point fonts, and centred. The abstract should follow further below, in 12-point fonts, and centered, with the keywords immediately below the abstract.
No changes to the text are permitted after the final submission. Copies of all relevant permissions should be submitted to the journal at this time. Revised versions of articles will be forwarded for the final stages of publication (i.e. editing, layout) only upon receipt of all necessary documentation and permissions (i.e. images, plans, permissions to reproduce images, if any), and on condition that the revised article conforms to the journal’s guidelines. Authors have the opportunity to examine the proofread copy of their articles and provide their comments on changes within three working days upon notification. In the absence of a response, the article is published according to the changes proposed by the copyeditor.
Final submission files
Along with the final submission of the article, authors are also required to submit the final photographs (if any) accompanying the text. Digital images should be submitted in separate TIFF or JPEG files in resolution equal to, or higher than 350dpi. Their file names should be given using Latin characters, stating the author’s name and the number of the image (e.g. Pappas_Eikona1.tiff).
Permissions of reproduction
Authors are responsible for securing permissions to publish copyrighted material, such as photographs and drawings. They are responsible for paying any fees involved. Production of an article will not begin until all relevant permissions have been received by the Editor.