Biographical analysis in educational research: Techniques for educational policy micro-history emerging.

Evagelia Kalerante
This article presents the theoretical model of biographical analysis with an emphasis on the discourse technique applied to successive stages and situations in educators-subjects’ daily experiences. Educators’ discourse media reflective of subjective orientations are analyzed as to the structure through which political and educational processes are channelled. Discourse analysis aids in locating key elements around which an educator’s identity and school-educational realities take shape. Competing and conflicting causes highlighting divisions of educators teaming up in different educational domains of interest are recorded. The paper focuses on a meta-analysis of the subject-educators as users of educational legislation and as mediators among the Ministry of Education and government (who formulates policy and legislates on the operation of schools), the educational community, and broader society which is the receptor of a specific educational policy. Educational policy is expressed by concentration on pivotal educational moments arising from legislatively expressed political discourse and then converted into educational practice in the school environment. Educational policy, as discourse, intervenes, clarifies meanings drawing on policy, the economy and culture at large, and analyzes, synthesizes and influences lawmaking by means of discourse. Biographical analysis utilizes the educators- subjects’ discourse analysis, which defines and signifies express and implied educational career experiences of educational policy micro-history. The educators- subjects’ discourse retrospectively interprets political activity, cultural events, educational stages, bringing to surface the dynamics of educational policy itself. Their discourse, as a language complex serves as building stock for working conditions, educational expectations and their own relationship with the educational environment through a momentum of successive phases. The discourse order as analysis of educational term analysis highlights structural limitations, as well as development or intervention potentialities by individuals to the educational model. This paper presents both the discourse of the educators-subjects and their written words in personal notes so that narratives of the past can be compared with analyses written while educational events were taking place. The educators-subjects’ use of pictorial context resulted in a visual record of the educational milieu, so that interrelations, identities, and situations evolving in it may be crystallized. In condensed time and space, members of the educational community provide a complex presentation their own evolution in an interactive, transcending narrative that uses effective recollection and a logical process permeated by emotional nuances. The narrative and the written word that reflect educators-subjects’ personal experiences are checked against existent files for period research so that the micro-history of educational policy may be defined as to structure and content. Biographical analysis is based on linguistics textual discourse which reproduce social political and cultural processes. Discourse is reformulated in consolidated language evolving in a dynamic educational milieu. Text analysis interprets ideological positions and theorizes on educational practices and educational policy itself. Special weight ought to be given to the interpretation by educators-subjects who reproduce social relationships and political conditions by means of their discourse practices.
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Author Biography
Evagelia Kalerante, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας
Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια Τμήμα Νηπιαγωγών
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