Published: Oct 8, 2018
representation number line textbook of mathematics use of number line functions of number line’s representation (basic supportive referential accompanying) strategies
Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrysanthi Skoumpurdi)

It is well known that representations possess important role in the teaching and learning process allowing the construction of mathematical ideas. It is also known that school textbook constitutes the main and many times the exclusive aid of educational process. Thus, a recording of the number lines from the primary school mathematics textbooks has taken place in order to investigate if they function as emerged models like Realistic Mathematics Education sequences. An investigation of the different number lines' types, of the related mathematical concepts, as well as the strategies that appear to be elected each time from the number line ' picture constituted a secondary aim of this work.

From the results of the investigation it appeared that although there are several number lines' types in the school text book which support different strategies for various mathematical concepts this does not take place in accordance to Realistic Mathematics Education sequences

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Χρυσάνθη Σκουμπουρδή (Chrysanthi Skoumpurdi), University of the Aegean
Assistant Professor
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