Published: May 31, 2022
Mathematics curriculum recontextualization discourses
Anna Klothou
Χαράλαμπος Σακονίδης

The recontextualizations that take place during the implementation of a Mathematics Curriculum are identified through the different discourses from which the teachers draw on to make sense of the mathematical processes supported. In this paper, the discourses of thirteen primary school teachers are investigated in the context of a semi-structured interview conducted after the pilot implementation of a new/ reformed Mathematics Curriculum (2011-2012) in their school. The data analysis revealed contradictions in the teachers’ discourse that can be attributed to the recontextualizing processes that were activated in their efforts to familiarize themselves with the content and implementation of the Mathematics Curriculum and suggest inconsistencies within or between the various discourses available to them.

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Author Biography
Anna Klothou, Democritus University of Thrace

Department of Primary Education

Laboratory teaching and research staff

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