Diagrams in problem solving: difficulties in generating and using them by 4th grade students

Published: Dec 18, 2023
math word problem problem solving diagrams in problem solving difficulties in using diagrams
Anna Bakalidou
Marianna Tzekaki

The present study examines students’ difficulties while generating and using diagrams to solve one-step addition and subtraction word problems before and after a teaching intervention for the use of diagrams. For this purpose two tests (pretest and posttest) were given to 45 fourth-grade students, who were asked to solve three problems with the prompt to generate and use diagrams. Difficulties were classified into three categories regarding the understanding of the concept of a diagram, the ability to generate and to use one. Results indicated that at the pretest all students experienced difficulty in understanding the concept of a diagram and therefore use it. After the teaching intervention, students' difficulties were limited and mostly related to the generation of a diagram in terms of completing the requested data in the correct place or using it mainly in Comparison and Change problems.

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