Published: Jun 8, 2007
silicified wood Evros Limnos mineralogy depositional environment
P. Voudouris
D. Velitzelos
E. Velitzelos
U. Thewald

The present study describes the geology and mineralogy of the main petrified wood occurrences in Evros-Rhodopi and Limnos and integrates them in a volcanichydro thermal framework taking into consideration the nature of hydrothermal solutions during the silicification process. In the Lykofi-Fylakto-Lefkymi area, quartz and opal-CT are the main silica polymorph within the wood. The hostrocL· exhibit a zeolitic alteration suggesting reduced and slightly alkaline fluids for the silicification of wood. At Kassiteres/Sappes area the presence ofsilicified wood within kaolinite± alunite altered tuffbreccias indicates that slight acidic fluids were involved in the silicification processes. In Limnos Island the fossiliferous Portianou, Varos- Roussopouli and Moudros-Roussopouli areas occur in the periphery of an eroded volcanic edifice exposed at Fakos peninsula. The silicified wood occurs: (a) within weakly altered pyroclastics and (b) associated to several horizons of sinters interbedded within the pyroclastics. Transformation of amorphous silica to opal-CT and then to quartz is postulated based on XRD and SEM studies. The studied areas represent unique natural monuments, comparable to the petrified forest of Lesvos island.

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  • Palaeontology, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
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