Laboratory testing properties of sandstones

G. Koukis
N. Sabatakakis
S. Papanakli

The aim of this paper is to determine the geotechnical properties of clastic sedimentary rocks and especially sandstones which constitute a great part of the flysch formation. Laboratory tests were conducted in samples collected from different sites in western Greece. Physical and mechanical properties were determined including porosity (n), dry density (pf), sound velocities (Vp, Vs), point loading strength (IS(so)) and uniaxial compressive strength (ac). Additionally, the material constant m„ an input parameter for the Hoek and Brown failure criterion, was estimated by analyzing the results from a series of triaxial compression tests under different confining pressures. Regression analyses were also applied to define the relations among the obtained parameters

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  • Engineering Works and Geological Applications
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