AI and Big Data: A New Paradigm for Decision Making in Healthcare

Iris - Panagiota Efthymiou
Athanassios Vozikis
Symeon Sidiropoulos
Dimitrios Kritas

The latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI)—a general-purpose technology impacting many industries — have been based on advancements in machine learning, which is recast as a quality-adjusted decline in forecasting ratio. The influence of Policy on AI and big data has impacted two key magnitudes which are known as diffusion and consequences. And these must be focused primarily on the context of AI and big data. First, in addition to the policies on subsidies and intellectual property (IP) that will affect the propagation of AI in ways close to their effect on other technologies, three policy categories — privacy, exchange, and liability — may have a specific impact on the diffusion of AI. The first step in the prohibition process is to identify the shortcomings of current hospital procedures, why we need acute care AI, and eventually how the direction of patient decision-making will shift with the introduction of AI-based research. The second step is to establish a plan to shift the direction of medical education in order to enable physicians to retain control of AI. Medical research would need to rely less on threshold decision-making and more on the prediction, interpretation, and pathophysiological context of contextual time cycles. This should be an early part of a medical student's education, and this is what their hospital aid (AI) ought to do. Effective contact between human and artificial intelligence includes a shared pattern of focused knowledge base. Human-to-human contact protection in hospitals should lead this professional transformation process.

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Biografía del autor/a
Iris - Panagiota Efthymiou, University of Piraeus; Hellenic Association of Political Scientists

Iris - Panagiota Efthymiou is Board Member and President of the Interdisciplinary Committee, of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), Scientific Associate at the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management University of Piraeus, Board Member of Womanitee, HAPSc: Athens, Greece.

Athanassios Vozikis, University of Piraeus
Athanassios Vozikis is Associate Professor at the University of Piraeus and Director of the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus, Greece.
Symeon Sidiropoulos, Hellenic Association of Political Scientists; University of Piraeus

Symeon Sidiropoulos is Political Scientist, President of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), Scientific Associate at Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus.

Dimitrios Kritas, Hellenic Association of Political Scientists; University of Crete

Dimitrios Kritas is PhD candidate, University of Crete. He is also Deputy President of the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists, Field Manager of the Public Policy and Administration Research Laboratory, Univeristy of Crete, Scientific Associate of the Laboratory of Health Economics and Management (LabHEM) of the University of Piraeus and Researcher of the Center for Political Research and Documentation (KEPET) of the University of Crete, Greece.

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