Attitudes of parents with a preschool age child for adjustment of children suffering from diabetes

Published: Jun 18, 2017
diabetes child preschool parents education
Βασιλική Μπρουσκέλη (Vassiliki Brouskeli)
Ευδοκία (Eudokia) Παπδοπούλου (Papadopoulou)

This study explores the attitudes of parents who have children who do not suffer from diabetes about the social and school adjustment of children who suffer from diabetes, as well as about the impact of the disease on the child’s family. The sample consisted of 170 women and 38 men who were parents of pre-schooler(s), located in the broad area of Northern Greece. Most of the respondents were familiar with the term “Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Type 1 diabetes” as well as with the term “childhood diabetes”. As far as the disease’s impact on the family is concerned, a large proportion of parents seemed to believe that it affects both the family’s everyday life and its psychosocial adjustment. Conversely, only a minor proportion of the respondents considered that this condition can affect the communication among family members or the availability of the parents of the ill child to the other members of the family. Additionally, about half of them considered that the economic status of the family can be seriously compromised. Overall, parents of pre-schoolers, as providers of informal education and often of the only education that these children receive about chronic diseases, seem to understand the situation that the child who suffers from diabetes and his or her family confront. Additionally, they seem to realise the insufficiency of the support systems for the child and the family that exist in our country. Interventions targeting to parental counselling, the educators’ training, the cooperation between family and school as well as school programs to familiarize children with chronic diseases are suggested.

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Author Biographies
Βασιλική Μπρουσκέλη (Vassiliki Brouskeli), Democritus University of Thrace
Assistant Professor; Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood
Ευδοκία (Eudokia) Παπδοπούλου (Papadopoulou), Democritus University of Thrace

Graduate; Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood

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