Exploration of children's perceptions about home-based narrative practices: A demographic research for storytelling in the prefecture of Florina

Published: Sep 23, 2017
Storytelling fairytales storytelling practices at home
Konstantinos Mastrothanasis
Alexia Papakosta

The narrative activity is an established practice of interaction between adults and children. As a phenomenon, it is directly linked to the need to reproduce the cultural heritage and contributes to the development of social culture.  It usually develops within the narrow family context, due to the strong emotional ties that are shaped  within it, and at the same time it acquires pedagogical value and educational characteristics.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the perceptions and views of children about the narrative practices at home, and to identify the factors that affect or are associated with the activity of narration. The survey, the character of which is demographic, was based on the entire population of pupils attending primary school at the prefecture of Florina during the school year 2005-2006.

Based on the results, almost all children like to hear adults narrating fairy tales at home. Of course, although the members of the family were frequently telling fairy tales to their children when they were younger, now they continue the narrative activity with only half of those children, while transgender, age and other differences have started to appear. The reasons for the absence of narrative activity are associated with the mentalistic perceptions that have been fixed by the child’s immediate environment to the child itself, while the narrative role within the family is mainly exercised by female members. According to the children’s reports, it seems that most narrations are centered around classical literature.

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