Sexual education in the world, focused on the European countries, for children in preschool and school age: a systematic review

Published: Oct 5, 2017
sexual education Europe World Review
Βασιλική Μπρουσκέλη (Vassiliki Brouskeli)

Sexuality is a core issue for the human and sexual education is a human right which more of the countries have recognized. This study aimed to investigate the current sexual education programs in the world, with emphasis on the European countries. As far as the methodology is concerned, we used electronical research methods for detecting the currently applied sexual education programs in the world. The studies that were included had to, between other limits, provide evidence for the age range that the programs are applied and for the content as well. As far as Europe is concerned, the programs that are presented are the ones of Greece, Cyprus, Netherlands, England, Germany, Italy and Finland. As far as the rest world is concerned, the programs that are presented are the ones of United States of America, the Asia-Pacific Area, Africa, Latin America and Australia. According to the study results, the countries that apply comprehensive education programs, stable in time, with modern methodology and contain current issues for analysis, demonstrate better results to their efforts to educate the young people. Furthermore, the most fruitful sexual education is the one that focus on personal development and operates on the principle of treating youth sexuality as an opportunity for personal development and not as a threat. Finally, it is suggested that future relevant programs will be evaluated periodically, they will take into account the children’s developmental stage as well as their cultural and social environment. 

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Βασιλική Μπρουσκέλη (Vassiliki Brouskeli), Democritus University of Thrace
Assistant Professor; Democritus University of Thrace; Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood
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