Τhe knowledge of early childhood teachers regarding autism and their attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism in classroom

Θαλασσογραφία, 50Χ60,ελαιογραφία, Μαρία Τσιβά, 2015
Published: Jan 20, 2021
autism early childhood teachers knowledge perceptions inclusive education
Ηρακλής Νικόλαος Γρηγορόπουλος
Αδαμαντίνη Προβατά

The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge of early childhood teachers regarding autism and their attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism in classrooms. The research involved 91 early childhood teachers from the wider region of Western Macedonia. A demographic questionnaire and  the Autism Inclusion Questionnaire (AIQ; Segall & Campbell, 2007) were used to investigate the above questions. According to the results of this research, the most the participating early childhood teachers had sufficient knowledge, however, they maintained a neutral attitude towards the inclusion of children with autism in the general classrooms. In addition, their previous experience with children on the autism spectrum and their additional training in special education did not lead to a more positive attitude towards the inclusion of these children. Exploring early childhood teachers’ views can make a significant contribution to the design of useful inclusive educational practices.

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