The primary school teachers' perceptions about their professional development through in-school training

πίνακας εξωφύλλου: Μ. Τσιβά
Published: Oct 28, 2022
in-school training teachers professional development teachers perceptions activity theory
Πασχαλίνα Θωμάς Στυλιανού

In-school training is a horizontal form of training through which teachers can be trained and empowered in order to respond effectively to their work. At a time when in-school training is recorded as an organizational obligation of the school principal, investigating teachers' perceptions is necessary to understand their practices and decisions. Teachers' perceptions play a key role in the way they filter information and determine what is considered important and valuable to children. Their description of their teaching practices reflects the school climate as well as their socially constructed culture, which is shaped by the many contexts in which they are embedded (school, community, education system, curriculum). This qualitative research explores the perceptions of primary school teachers about in-school training and its value for their professional development. The research utilizes activity theory as an analysis tool to illuminate the context of teachers' action and interpret the research data, as it is a sociocultural constructivist learning theory and an analysis tool that gives particular importance to the context within which teachers develop their action.

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Πασχαλίνα Θωμάς Στυλιανού, University of Western Macedonia

Συντονίστρια εκπαιδευτικού έργου για την Αειφορία, ΠΕ70, PhD

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