Τόμ. 74 Αρ. 3 (2023)
Case Report
Management of Linguatula serrata infestation in a dog from Greece: a case report
M Lefkaditis, I Zapantes, A Giannouli
A case of rabies outbreak in a bull-calf from Nigeria
I Ahmad, SW Audu, BY Kaltungo, SU Dandare, U Muhammad, AY Sadiq, B Bawa, U Abubakar
Research Articles
Effect of Butorphanol with and without Medetomidine on Intraocular Pressure in Cats
N Mohammadi, LE Yanmaz
Presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in raw cow’s milk: adhesive capacities and extracellular enzymes characterization
AR Belmamoun, A Ammam, C Mhamdia, R Chadli, A Baki, N Madouni
The effect of low- and high-dose levothyroxine on the expression, protein level, and function of P-glycoprotein in mice
The effect of levothyroxine on P-gp is variable
B Tras, K Uney, H Eser Faki, T Melik Parlak, Z Ozdemir Kutahya
Egg production, egg quality, blood lipids, and ovarian related indices in laying hens fed pomegranate by-products
A Gharagozloo, F Kheiri, J Nasr, M Faghani
Prebiotic, probiotic, and antibiotic growth promoters use in commercial broilers: A comparative study
Gut histology of broilers & growth promoters
A Ali, AS Qureshi, S Rehan, F Deeba, M Usman
Occurrence and molecular characterization of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis isolates from contaminated food samples from Palestine
G Adwan, S Abuseir, O Khreishi , A Hussein, N Khraim, M Abed Al-Daym
Diagnostic Performances of Clinical and Hematological Parameters in Cats Naturally Infected with Feline PanleukopeniaVirus
Clinical Parameters in Cats with Feline Panleukopenia Virus
E Gülersoy, C Balıkçı, BB Erol, A Şahan, İ Günal
A comparative study on oxidative stress indices among cattle and buffalo with foreign body syndrome
N Gomaa, NM Nassif , MA Havez, S Fawzy
Biochemical and microbiological characteristics of industrial Tsalafouti cheese
industrial Tsalafouti cheese
EC Pappa, E Kondyli, J Samelis, E Malamou, A Kakouri, AM Vlachou
A retrospective study on the isolated strains of Salmonella in poultry
L Spalević, N Zdravkovic, J Zutić, D Vojinović, V Milićević, N Jezdimirović, J Kureljušić, O Radanović
Investigation of Acute Phase Proteins in Cattle Infected with Mycobacterium bovis
S Çenesiz, B Şahin, RK Akpinar, Y Kiliçoğlu
Effects of Calcium, Available Phosphorus and Microbial Phytase on Ovarian FSHR and LHR Expression in Laying Hens
Microbial phytase effect on FSHR and LHR
S Guler, ED Asmaz, A Saricetin, SS Cengiz, F Odabasi Erbay, E Demirkan
A The Effect of Variation in Dietary Cation-Anion Difference on Calcium Status, Blood Metabolites and Rumen Activity during the Transition Period of Holstein Dairy Cows
Dietary Cation-Anion Difference
HEM Hassanien, EM Abdel-Raouf, AMM Mahmoud, LW Greene
Troxerutin as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative drug could ameliorate Type 1 diabetes complications in C57BL/6 mice
Y Jafari-Khataylou, S Ahmadiafshar, N Mirzakhani
Pathological effects of ochratoxin on the performance and haematobiochemical profile of quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)
Pathological effects of ochratoxin on the performance and haematobiochemical profile of quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica)
Faisal Ahmad, Hayatullah Khan, Kamran Khan, Farhan Anwar Khan, Naseer Ahmad, Muhammad Saeed, T Ayasan
Effects of Antioxidants Supplemented Feed in Coccidiosis Treatment, Blood Antioxidative Status, and Enzymatic Activity of Domestic Cats
Natural antioxidants against endoparasites
B Bizhga, S Cocoli, A Stevanović, S Bajić, E Lika, T Shtylla Kika, N Puvača
Effects of different levels of methionine in pre-starter diets on immunity function and DNA methylation in broilers
W Mahmoudnezhad, A Nobakht, Y Mehmannavaz, S Mahdavi
Duodenal volvulus of the sigmoid flexure in five cows. A retrospective study
I Proios, M Hoedemaker, E Kiossis
Effect of dietary supplementation of seaweeds on growth and blood profiles of TANUVAS Aseel chicken
Seaweed feed trails in poultry
TA Vijayalingam, NV Rajesh, S Vairamuthu, M Boopathy Raja, NK Sudeep Kumar
Effects of Lower Dietary Calcium and Phosphorus on Growth Performance and Bone Mineralizatıon of Broilers
N Ceylan, S Koca, İ Yavaş, AA Çenesiz
Effects of rosemary essential oil as a feed additive on performance, rumen fermentation, and blood parameters in preweaning Holstein calves
F Biyik, H Biricik, E Urkmez, C Kara, I Cetin , D Udum
Review Articles
Ruminal Acidosis Part I: Clinical manifestations, epidemiology and impact of the disease
NIKOLAOS VOULGARAKIS, D Gougoulis, D Psalla, G Papakonstantinou, M Angelidou-Tsifida, V Papatsiros, LV Athanasiou, G Christodoulopoulos
Escherichia coli as Microbiological Quality Water Indicator:A High Importance for Human and Animal Health
Microbiological water quality
G Zarić, S Cocoli, D Šarčević, S Vještica, R Prodanović, N Puvača, M Carić