The Timeless evolution of policies for the elimination and treatment of domestic violence and bullying in Greece

Apostolos Karaoulas

"School bullying" or "bullying," is no longer just a marginal phenomenon in the real and digital world, but a serious issue. Since 2006, incidents of all forms of degradation, exclusion, and bullying among children, adolescents, and adults have been dangerously increasing and tend to take on dimensions of widespread escalation, threatening to dominate almost the entire youth population. According to the results of the PISA study (Programme for International Student Assessment) published in 2017, almost one in six 15-year-olds is regularly affected by "bullying" at school (OECD, 2017).

As the right to education is an inalienable good and right, the state is obliged, on the one hand, to guarantee the individual's right to education corresponding to their abilities, and on the other hand, to respond to the importance of economic policy for a modern society. Therefore, the state must take necessary measures to curb such behaviors before they occur and before they acquire a dynamic "habit."

This article seeks to emphasize the necessary shift of the issue from the approach of a theoretical discussion, which is clearly necessary to define and describe the concepts of degradation, exclusion, and bullying, to the necessary interventions, primarily legislative, concerning school life. It also seeks to study how the organized state operated or should have operated, to what extent the Greek parliament was involved when incidents became public and sparked intense debates. Finally, it explores the actions taken by the state both at the European level and nationally to prevent and eliminate school violence.

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