A new Approach in the Research of School Textbooks Didactic Dimension. Case Study: Religious Education

Published: Jan 1, 2015
didactic analysis school textbooks Geometric Didactic Analysis Religious Education Correspondence Analysis
Αθανάσιος Στογιαννίδης
Νίκος Κουτσουπιάς

In this study we present a proposal for the didactic analysis of school textbooks. This proposal constitutes a new method of School Textbooks Research, which we named Geometric Didactic Analysis (Ge.Di.An.). The term "didactic analysis" relates to the following aspects: a. First, the examination of a textbook's didactic suitability. b. Second, the relationship between textbook context and its didactics. In this work, units of analysis are all learning assessment tools, such as questions, skills, activities, etc. The innovative element of the method lies in the connection of known taxonomies developed in the field of Didactics to Multivariate Statistical Analysis methods, depicting groupings of qualitative characteristics with didactic interest.We applied Geometric Didactic Analysis on four teaching units of the first grade Religious Education student's book. The results lead to the conclusion, that some didactic choices made by the authors of the analyzed teaching units show didactic uncertainties and weaknesses; therefore, ought to be reviewed.

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