Published: Jul 1, 2014
early literacy motivation reading preschool age measures for assessing reading motivation
Ειρήνη Αντωνοπούλου (Eirini Antonopoulou)
Νεκτάριος Στελλάκης
Recent research has shown that the existence of positive motives in preschool-age children towards reading engagement plays an important role in their literacy development and also contributes to becoming good readers in the future. Children who faced reading as a way of amusement and entertainment tend to read more than other children of the same age and indeed they have better performance in reading. This happens mostly because they are capable to comprehend extensive texts and use improved vocabulary. According to the related bibliography in reading motivation, the existence of positive motives is concerned to be one of the most important factors for reading acquisition. On the other hand, the lack of beneficial motivation appears as an obstacle for the development of a mature and constructive conception towards value of reading and, therefore, towards engagement to literacy events. This current essay attempts to present current references about reading motivation so as to emphasize the significance of positive reading motivation for pleasure. Moreover, we describe the limited measures for assessing reading motivation, which have been used for kindergarten and preschool students. In conclusion, we strive to create a useful and brief measure for assessing reading motivation, which is more appropriate for Greek kindergarten students. The contribution of this measure is substantial for kindergarten teachers to assess the motives of their students and consequently use this assessment for their lessons plans and activities with the view to enrich those motives. It is a fact that the amplification of reading motivation is not mentioned clearly in the existing curriculum for teaching language in kindergarten. However, given that “education that combines cognitive elements and motivation can optimize the greatest achievements for reading skills” (European Commission, 2011:39), we need as kindergarten teachers to explore student motivation and implement educational methods in order to enrich those motives.
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