Published: Jul 1, 2014
emotional development program nursery school
Κατερίνα Καζέλα (Katerina Kazela)
Φωτεινή Κοντοπούλου
Emotional development is one of the main goals of early childhood education as the early years of children’s lives are very important in the formation of the first elements of emotional development. Preschool age is the age at which children have their first opportunity to be educated on emotional skills therefore the development of appropriate intervention programs is deemed necessary for ensuring social and emotional competence. In the context of these reports was the present work, aiming to design, implement and evaluate a program of emotional development for preschoolers. More specifically, the aims of the program were the development of children’s ability to recognize, express, understand and manage their emotions. In this study 23 infants from
different multicultural backgrounds (foreigners, Roma) took part attending the school year 2012-2013 in the 3rd Kindergarten in Megara. The reason for implementing the program highlights was the observations of the kindergarten teacher showing significant children’s difficulties in communication, relation development, cooperation and acceptance of others. For the design of the program the children’s initial ideas, parent’s expectations of the program and the data collected with the technique of sociogram were utilized. The program included activities for the recognition and management of basic emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear), activities to enhance self-image and self-esteem and the development of friendship and conflict management. The results of the
program evaluation highlighted the achievement of learning objectives set and the positive effect it had on children after having noticed a significant change in positive emotional behavior not only on expression, understanding, empathy, but on regulating their emotions as well.
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