Published: Jul 1, 2014
tv news socialization political socialization
Βιργινία Καραβοκύρη (Virginia Karavokiri)
This study aims to explore the relationship between children and television news. Specifically, it aims at exploring: a) children’s habits and preferences about television news and b)children’s views on society and the role of the citizen, as they are presented through television news.The sample consisted of 59 children, who attended the sixth grade, in four elementary schools in the area of Evros. A questionnaire of 27 questions, which was used for the selection of data, examines: a)children’s habits and preferences, concerning television and television news, b)children’s perceptions of television news and c) children’s views on society and the role of the citizen, as they are presented through television news. According to the results of the study, children watch the news almost at a regular basis. Furthermore, they claim that being informed through television news is important, because they learn ways to protect themselves against dangerous situations. Finally it seems that children derive through the news a negative image of both the citizen and the society, claiming that the citizens often commit crimes and break the law.
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