Published: Jul 1, 2014
crisis preschool age parents school counselor skills
Ευφροσύνη Κατσικονούρη (Efrosyni Katsikonouri)
Ευθυμία Μανίτσα
Nowadays, wherever you turn your head, you hear the word CRISIS. Financial crisis, crisis in relationships, family crisis, mourning crisis, political crisis, etc. The question which arises is this: Is there a crisis? And if so, can this ''disease'' be cured? The answer is given by counseling, which was developed as a science during the twentieth century, focusing on several areas and combining different methods and schools of thought. The current study aims to explore the problems faced by children of preschool age (4-6 years old) through the different forms of crisis which they experience, but also to ''respond'' to the way of dealing with them. The sample consisted of 63 parents of students attending Athens public kindergarten schools during the second semester of 2013 and a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions was used. The results showed that, even though in most cases parents do not discuss the problems which they face in front of their children, they still admit that the crisis affects their family routine to a great extent, to a lesser extent their behavior, and to a small extent their children's mental and physical well-being. The notion that school can support children in difficult periods enjoys a very high percentage. The study highlights the counseling and supporting role played by school and teachers in dealing with the ''crisis''.
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