Children’s spontaneous production of phrasemes: evidence from Greek‐speaking children (ages 5 to 7).

Published: Jul 1, 2015
production of phrasemes semantic analysis development of non‐literal competence
Ελένη Μότσιου (Eleni Motsiou)
This study explored the production of phrasemes (idioms, restricted collocations, conventionalized similes and the like) collected from the spontaneous speech of Greek‐speaking children aged 5 – 7. Τhe classification and analysis of phrasemes in children’s speech imply that even young children can use many idiomatic expressions as such, since there are indications that the internal semantics are used, even if the meanings or forms are not always coincide with the adult ones. The findings, consistent with a body of relevant research, are also discussed with respect to the early development of a non‐literal competence in general.
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