Published: Jul 1, 2014
Psychological health prevention programs Environmental prevention strategies Life Skills School Programs
Βασίλειος Κούτρας (Vasilios Koutras)
The psychosocial health prevention refers to the total of measures taken before the onset of a conduct and refers to the weaken of the factors that make a person vulnerable (risk factors) and the reinforcement of the factors that strengthen and protect people (protective factors).Prevention is not limited to providing information and valorizes educational active learning processes in developing skills (personal and social) that are going to serve as protective factors. Unlike activities aimed at educating individuals, prevention includes strategies aimed which modify the family, social, cultural, physical, political and economic context, taking into account a number of factors that influence the individuals behavior. Choosing what social-emotional skills, attitudes and values of individuals and what interventions will be taught and applied to the broader environment, determines whether the psychosocial health prevention programs are agents of change for individuals and for societies or simply educate people to adapt to existing social norms.
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