Published: Jul 1, 2014
motor skills basic manipulative skills TGMD-2 motor development developmental program of physical education social skills preschool early school age
Αθηνά Ρούπα (Athina Roupa)
Μαρία Σακελλαρίου (Maria Sakellariou)
Basic manipulative skills form the motor basis for successful participation in every physical and sport activity during adolescence and adulthood (Derri, 2007, Gallahue, 2002). The conquest of them encourages individual to successfully participate in numerous sport activities ensuring thus the whole development of personal and social skills. A physical education program with developmental features, meets his/her requirements for moving in the various fields of his/her development where a stimuli rich pedagogical and supportive environment guides, observes and interacts (Graham et al., 1987, 1993; Sakellariou, 2002) Aim of this study was to investigate the effect of music listening on the development of manipulative skills in kindergarten and first grade of primary school children. Investigated whether the participating children learn to perform the basic skills of throwing, receiving, kicking, dribbling, horizontal hit and rolling better, when the teaching of these skills is based on the implementation of a developmental physical education program. Method. A total of 175 kindergarten children and A grade (93 boys and 82 girls) aged 5,43 ± 0,63 years old participated in a developmental program of manipulative skills learning lasted for14 weeks for primary school and 20 weeks for kindergarten . Before and after the implementation of the program, children were evaluated in six fundamental skills using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD, Ulrich, 2000). Results. The implementation of the Developmental Program resulted in significant improvement (p: 0,000)in 5 out of the 6 skills. Conclusions. It seems that basic manipulative skills are taught more effectively using Developmental Physical Education Programs.
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