Published: Jul 1, 2014
probabilistic thinking combinations mental retardation intellectual disability
Ευδοξία Σιόλου (Evdoxia Siolou)
Άσπα Λέκκα (Aspa Lekka)
Μαρία Σακελλαρίου (Maria Sakellariou)
Τζένη Παγγέ (Tzeni Pagge)
This study aims to investigate whether adolescents with moderate mental retardation are able to understand randomness and to identify the sample space of a random experiment using technology. The participants in this study were two adolescents with moderate mental retardation aged 15 and 16 years. We developed an online story to teach probabilities and sample spaces. According to the results of the study, although adolescents with moderate mental retardation were able to discriminate sample spaces consisting up to four different subjects, they were not able to describe all possible combinations of these subjects in a two-stage experiment, but they can prove their probabilistic thinking.
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