Religious ideas and knowledge in the curricula and formal texts for the Greek Kindergarten

Published: Jul 1, 2013
competences course content religious knowledge kindergarten curriculum
Μαρία Μουμουλίδου (Maria Moumoulidou)
Basing its information on the evidence provided by formal documents concerning the Greek kindergarten since the 19th century, this article purports to show the terms in which the content of ‘religious teaching’ has been defined; to explain its permanent character; and to present the ways in which the pre-school education curricula, within their social and political context, determine what should be taught in a religious course. Using the theory of the “didactic anthropology of knowledge” (Chevallard, 1992, 1994) as well as the concept of the “social practices of reference” (Martinad, 1989), this article examines religious teaching in view of the general aims of the kindergarten and attempts to answer questions that have to do with the nature and the use of religious knowledge.
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