Views of primary school teachers about the definition and the causes of emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD)

Published: Jul 1, 2013
emotional and behavioral difficulties causes definition parents teachers students
Αντιόπη Ελένη Τεμπρίδου (Adiopi Eleni Tampridou)
This paper presents views of primary school teachers concerning children with challenging behaviors and emotions, focusing mainly on what they define as emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD) and where they attribute them. The sample consisted of 189 teachers from the prefectures of Evros, Rodopi and Thessaloniki, who answered open and closed questions of a questionnaire which was constructed for the needs of a wider investigation. Analysis of results showed that teachers of the survey considered personality as the most important element to describe a child with EBD. Next in the row is aggression, while less attention is given to the behavioral difficulties at school as well as school adaptation. As concerns the causes of EBD, according to the teachers of the research, they are rendered to the family at their vast majority (75%).
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