The contribution of physical representations in solving arithmetic problems in preschool education

Published: Jul 1, 2011
mathematical concepts problem solving addition early childhood education external representations
Κώστας Ζαχάρος (Kostas Zacharos)
Κωνσταντίνα Παπαδημητρίου (Konstantina Papadimitriou
The aim of this study was to investigate two aspects: firstly to investigate children’s ability in solving addition problems. The second aim was to investigate the contribution of teaching interventions and specifically the contribution of physical representations manipulatives to develop children’s efforts to solve problems. The sample consisted of 12 children of a Greece public preschool classroom. The findings show that children responded positively to the problem solving. Graphically representing the solutions on paper sheet supported the children’s efforts. In addition, the forms of interaction played an important role for the positive outcome of the activities.
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