Features of first language lexical attrition

Published: Jul 1, 2011
first language lexical attrition vocabulary maintenance semantic fields syntagmatic/ paradigmatic relations vocabulary organization bilingual speakers
Ελένη Μότσιου (Eleni Motsiou)
The notion of language loss or language attrition has gained attention in recent years, but very little research has been devoted to the influence of education on language attrition and/or language maintenance. The focus of this presentation is first language lexical attrition (L1) in bilingual speakers, that occurs in second (L2), majority language environment, after L1 was –more or less– acquired (for example, L1 suppression in L2 environment in case of second generation immigrants or in case of ethnic minorities). A classificatory framework of L1 lexical attrition phenomena has been proposed, in order to facilitate the planning of basic lines for an educational intervention. We strongly believe that such an orientation is of prime importance for ethnic minorities in some language contact situations or for people that moved outside their L1 community: a carefully planned educational intervention would help to maintain access to L1 and to develop/ enhance further L1 skills.
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