Αναγνώριση και κατανόηση συναισθημάτων από παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας

Έλση Ντολιοπούλου (Elsi Doliopoulou)
Άλκηστις Κοντογιάννη
Emotions are important in every person's life. Froebel urged children to express them and Dewey thought that socioemotional development was a basic element of democratic education. Psychoanalytic theory influenced educators towards the expression of the childrens' emotions. Today Gardner speaks about intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, which are very much connected to emotions, and Goleman talks about emotional intelligence. Since the 1970's preschool programs began including activities relevant to emotions, and today a great deal of emphasis is given to the emotional development in these programs. Although numerous studies related to the age of appearance of emotions, childrens' understanding of them and their relation to the cognitive and affective development, have been conducted the last decade, this field has not been thoroughly explored in Greece, especially in preschool age children. The present study is a research of the recognition and understanding of the emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, fear and jealousy in preschoolers.
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