Το Φως ως Φυσική Οντότητα στη Σκέψη των Παιδιών Προσχολικής Ηλικίας. Διδακτική Προσέγγιση

Κώστας Ραβάνης (Kostas Ravanis)
Χ. Βουτσινά (Ch. Voutsina)
In this paper we attempt to identify and describe the spontaneous concepts of preschool children concerning the concept of light and its properties and transform them through a didactical experimental proposal. The aim of this study is to make children identify light as an independent entity and to make children's ideas compatible with the scientific ones. We begun our study by having the children in an individual interview situation, in order to identify their centrations, predictions and explanations of the phenomenon. We separated the children into two groups: a control group and an experimental. The control group consisted of children who attended an empiristic didactical intervention concerning the conception of light. Then, we had the didactical experimental proposal with the experimental group. During this stage which was based on the theoretical model of sociocognitive conflict we aimed to create cognitive conflict that could help children to eliminate the centrations of their concepts. Finally, the comparison between the control and the experimental group showed significant differences, so we came to the conclusion that the didactical proposal belied the children's ideas more towards the scientific viewpoint.
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