The psychological developmental research in the field of preschool education: International tendencies and the Greek research experience

Published: Jul 1, 2008
Early childhood education day care quality of preschool settings preschool children's development
Κωνσταντίνος Πετρογιάννης (Konstantinos Petrogiannis)

A significant number of countries recognize the importance of the positive experience that the young children could gain by the attendance of a preschool setting such as day-care centres or kindergartens, depending on the age of the child, and make huge investments on long-term and large-scale research studies in order to move on informed political decisions based on sufficient valid and reliable results and proposals. By that time in Greece only a minimal number of research efforts have been recorded the last twenty years whereas the political decisions and laws that have been put in action do not have the necessary scientific documentation. In this article, we focus on early childhood care and education settings' quality and the relevant theoretical approaches and research studies, which constitute a major area of applied developmental psychology. The main tendencies both in theory and its measurement in the international arena as well as the relevant research efforts and findings from the Greek context are reported.

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