The emergence of reading/writing abilities with reference to differentiated kindergarten literacy practices

Published: Jul 1, 2008
Emergent literacy practices Greek kindergarten reading/writing abilities
Ελένη Συκιώτη (Eleni Sikioti)
Μαριάννα Κονδύλη (Marianna Kondili)

Our aim is to illustrate the significance of «meaningful» (i.e., play-like and communicative oriented) tasks in order to investigate some abilities (such as phonological awareness and graphophonemic correspondence) closely related to reading and writing practices. These tasks, implemented in two groups of 114 children with different school literacy background (i.e. traditional «coding-decoding» skills teaching vs emergent literacy practices), allowed us to see that reading and writing abilities do not differ significantly between the two groups. This could lead us to the assumption that, despite expectations, the exercising upon the «code» does not seem to be more appropriate strategy to promote reading/writing abilities compared with (the dynamics of) emergent literacy curriculum.

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