Λεκτική επικοινωνία στη σχολική τάξη: η ερώτηση του μαθητή

Νικόλαος Χανιωτάκης (Nikolaos Chaniotakis)

A substantial part of the verbal communication that occurs in a school classroom is occupied by the teachers' questions as well as the students' answers. It is almost a rule or a convention that the teacher asks and the student answers. The opposite occurs very rarely. The oxymoron lies at the fact that those who submit the questions -the teachers that is- are not looking for knowledge, whilst those who do search for knowledge -the students do not ask questions (Dillon 1988). The current study aims at pointing out the importance and the usefulness of the students' questions for the improvement of the quality of learning. To this direction, the current study investigates the reasons that students don't submit questions, and the presuppositions and the strategies from the side of the teacher that are needed for increasing and facilitating students' questions. Finally this study examines the role that the students' questions can play for the realistic goal of revising and improving traditional teaching methods.

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