Perceptions of kindergarten head teachers on the leadership style, as a factor of efficiency of the educational project in preschool education

Published: Mar 9, 2020
Leadership Style leadership Pre-school education
Ισαΐα Ιώβ Λαζαρίδου (Lazaridou Isaia)

The aim of this paper is to investigate the perceptions of pre-school teachers regarding (a) the importance of the contribution of existing models / leadership forms to the effectiveness of the educational project; (b) the degree and the reasons for the application of these models; and contribute to the development of a wider understanding of women's leadership in pre-school education. The survey was conducted from February to May 2015 using the anonymous written questionnaire as a basic research tool and completed by 197 nursery head teachers from nine counties in the country. The results of the research showed that the overwhelming majority of the head teachers perceive that the models of transformational and charismatic leadership significantly contributes to the effectiveness of educational work in pre-school education and that the majority of respondents adopt a mixed model of participatory /transactional leadership with strong elements of transformational / charismatic leadership.

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