Improving the Quality of the Preschool Environment through a Τeachers’ Professional Development Program

Published: Dec 1, 2021
Quality of preschool environment Teachers΄ professional development ECERS-R
Styliani Gidari
Domna Mika Kakana

The purpose of this study was to design, implement and evaluate a professional development program for preschool teachers with the aim of improving the quality of kindergartens. The research followed a quasi-experimental design, including an experimental and a control group. Ιn the study participated 26 kindergarten teachers serving in 23 public Greek kindergartens in the region of Pieria, who were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The quality of the kindergartens was initially assessed using the ECERS-R scale and a five-month professional development program, which was based on collaborative practices, was designed afterward. The aim was to support teachers on a theoretical, practical and reflectional level in order for them to improve their practices and by extension the quality of the pre-school education provided. Our results show that although the averages of the experimental and the control group did not differ significantly before the implementation of the program, the average quality after the intervention, was significantly higher for the experimental group than for the control group. Our findings can enhance the existing knowledge about the design and implementation of effective teacher professional development programs, with the aim of improving the quality of preschool education. Therefore, our findings suggest that teachers’ education and training is one of the most important factors that affect the quality of preschool environment. Teachers΄ personal, scientific and professional development can lead to high-quality preschool education and positive developmental outcomes for the children.

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