open, digital, online, education, distance education

Supplementary distance education using digital tools. A case study in the Post-School Year of EPAL Apprenticeship

Published: Mar 16, 2025
Supplementary distance education, interaction, polymorphic educational material, mobile learning, Moodle, EPAL apprenticeship.
Ηλίας Μαυροειδής

The present study investigated the effectiveness of supplementary e-learning using digital tools in an Apprenticeship programme at the 1st EPAL of Serres. For this purpose, digital Educational Material (EM) was developed through the Moodle platform according to the principles of distance learning. A qualitative research was conducted and 13 semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The results of the survey indicated that the participants find it useful to study the digital EM, as it complements the material of the face-to-face course whose hours they claim are minimal. They also consider that the digital EM enables them to cover gaps in understanding and issues that were not covered in the classroom, to study more and go deeper into the course material, to resolve their questions, to make up for lessons they did not attend due to absences, and to communicate at any time with their teacher. They considered important the ease of use and enjoyment of studying on their mobile phones, the ability to check their progress and feedback they received on the exercises and activities, and the communication and interaction with their teacher. They therefore believe that the complementary online training programme should be extended to all theoretical courses in the Apprenticeship.

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