Modelling population shifts to the rural: resilience, attractiveness and revitalization issues in the era of crisis

Δημοσιευμένα: dic 7, 2020
Evgenia Anastasiou
In the context of the crisis and its economic and social impacts the livelihoods revisited. As an alternative to the economic impasse, a pattern on counterurbanization has signifi cantly emerged. The main purpose of the present study is to explore the dynamics of the countryside through the attractiveness of the urban population. An econometric model was applied to data from population Censuses and Hellenic Statistical Authority registers. The fi ndings suggest that the ex-urbans prefer not remote, urban-like destinations, with infrastructure and services, while more attractive seem to be the areas with employment opportunities.
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  • Ενότητα
  • Ερευνητικά Άρθρα
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