Greece’s experience from the EU Structural Funds: The neglected consequences

Published: Sep 11, 2018
Structural Funds Greece Developmental aid European Union
Panagiotis Liargovas
Asteris Huliaras
A large number of ex ante, ex itinere and ex post evaluation studies have assessed the direct impact of the EU Structural Funds on the Greek economy. Some of them, mainly EU-commissioned studies, have assessed the microeconomic impact of funds. Others, more academic, have focused on the impact of funds on economic and social indicators (GDP,employment, productivity) at regional or country level. A common characteristic of both approaches is that Structural Funds represent an economic policy tool and therefore their impact on Greece is mostly economic. In this article, we support the view that the assessment of EU structural funding should be based on a wider approach that takes into account the role of economic policies, the capacity of institutions and the quality of governance.
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