Mergers of municipalities in Greek local government. An evaluation by means of a S.W.O.T. analysis

Published: May 1, 2013
local government municipal mergers SWOT analysis Kapodistrias program Kallikrates program
Christos Theophrastos Fois
Despina Sdrali
Constantinos D. Apostolopoulos

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the reforms in local government that took place in Greece during the last fi fteen years. The aim of the reforms was the creation of strong local government entities, i.e. powerful and effi cient local authorities, able to plan and implement local development policies, and to provide effective and qualitatively superior services to citizens. SWOT analysis is used in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the “Kallikrates” Program. Results indicate that the new reform offers to local government new powers and resources and therefore leads to improved effectiveness; reduced operating costs and promotion of the active participa tion of citizens in public affairs, by means of local referendums. However, there are also threats created for the reform, which are related to the broader fi nancial crisis, the disputes of political powers on the substance of the reform, the boundaries of new municipalities and the needs in personnel.

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Author Biography
Christos Theophrastos Fois
PhD Candidate, Harokopio University
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