The Common Agricultural Policy under the pressure of the new Financial Framework (2021-2027): Nationalization and adaptation

Published: Sep 11, 2019
Multiannual fi nancial framework budget challenges CAP
Yiannis El. Doukas

The current context in which agriculture is operating is characterized by decreasing agricultural prices due to global macroeconomic conditions and geopolitical tensions - like migration. Furthermore, the emphasis of trade negotiations has shifted from multilateral to bilateral agreements, forcing the EU to lower even more its protectionist trade barriers. Additionally, the EU has signed up to new international commitments, concerning actions to deal with the climate change and sustainable development issues. Lastly, the forthcoming Brexit exerts strong fi nancial pressure on the ΕU budget for agriculture, which will be signifi cantly lower than in the current period. This article highlights the challenges that the new Common Agricultural Policy is called upon to administer, presents and attempts to evaluate the Commission’s proposals for the period 2021-27.

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Author Biography
Yiannis El. Doukas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

PhD, Research fellow, EKOPDA

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