Research and Technology in Greece. Addressing aspects of the “triple helix” interactions

Published: Dec 7, 2020
Research Technology Greece Triple helix Interactions Business sector Universities
Evi Sachini
Charalampos Chrysomallidis
Nikolaos Karampekios
The paper embraces a macro-view and elaborates on the synergies established between the main components of the triple helix scheme in Greece. The analysis focuses on the collaboration between the academia and the business world and the role the public sector is playing in the national research ecosystem, and, particularly, in motivating academia-business collaboration. The empirical evidence builds upon existing knowledge-intensive quantitative and qualitative indicators and data on the national research and innovation system. Findings give out a mixed signal - some aspects of this synergetic relationship, namely, copublications, can be improved while other aspects, such as innovative enterprises collaborating with the academia, indicate a growing collaboration pattern. On a wider level, this paper contributes to mapping of knowledge intensive synergies between academia, businesses and public administration, thus offering empirical level fi ndings at the national level.
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