The evolution of Greek environmental policy in the light of European developments(1981-2021): A missed opportunity?

Lydia Avrami

Greece traditionally belongs to the group of countries that are characterized as laggards due to the moderate performance of the Greek environmental policy and the incorrect implementation of the European legislation. Traditionally,
environmental protection issues have not been high on the Greek governments’ agenda, while the system of environmental governance is characterized by timeless
weakness and pathogens. Undoubtedly, the development of the Greek environmental policy is inextricably linked to the even delayed implementation of the European legislation. To what extent is the influence of the European policy
reflected in the national performance? To what extent have the Greek governments managed to seize the opportunities created by the framework for European cooperation for the country’s gradual transition to sustainable development? The
present study attempts to investigate the national and European developments in the field of environmental policy, critically evaluate the outcomes of the Greek environmental
policy since its accession to the EU, as well as underline the factors that contributed to them.

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Author Biography
Lydia Avrami, National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ)

Research Fellow, National Centre for Social Research (ΕΚΚΕ) & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)