Narratives of Europeanisation and City Diplomacy: The City Networking Experience of the Greek Municipalities

Published: Jul 31, 2024
city diplomacy europeanisation city networks local impact Greece
Antonios Karvounis

The present article is part of the broader academic dialogue regarding the Europeanisation of local government. Specifically, the relationship between the EU and local government has evolved into a mutual process with many dimensions. Most academic research on the Europeanisation of local government has focused on specific national contexts or particular aspects of it. Within this study, while not disregarding the national context, the participation of Greek municipalities in European city networks during the programming periods of 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 is examined, with a particular emphasis on their local impact within the various narratives of Europeanisation.

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Author Biography
Antonios Karvounis, Hellenic Open University

Member of the Academic Staff of the Hellenic Open University and Head of the Independent Department of International and European Relations of the Ministry of the Interior