Author Guidelines


In order for a submission to proceed to the review stage, it is necessary for the authors to follow the Author Guidelines both when preparing the text and during the submission process.



To submit a new article, you will need to register with the Journal as an author. Instructions for your registration can be found here. You can submit your work from your personal page as an author. See here how to submit.


Text Preparation

Texts are submitted in Greek or English. The authors commit to not have published or submitted their articles for review in another publication. In case of publication of a similar article, this is declared by the author.

Types of Publications

Papers submitted to the journal Regional Integration: Politics, Economics and Governance for review and publication must fall into one of the following categories:

Research Articles: Original works whose length should be between 6000 and 8000 words, including endnotes, graphs, tables, and bibliographic references. Any appendices do not count towards the final set of words. Research Articles undergo the process of double blind review.

Research Notes: Texts between 3000 and 4000 words, including endnotes, graphs, tables, and bibliographic references. Despite their smaller length, these texts must present a degree of originality and contribution to their research field. Research Notes undergo the double blind review process.

Book reviews: Brief texts between 500 to 1500 words that critically review new books from the Greek or foreign bibliography in the area of regional integration or related fields. Book Reviews are evaluated by the Editors of the Journal. 

Editor's Note: These texts are written by the Editorial Team or the Editors of special issues . The Editor's Note is not subject to a review process and is submitted in a file, without abstract, with the title and details of the author in Greek and English. 

Policy Papers: Texts that analyze policy issues related to regional integration. The analysis should be based on scientific grounds and be accompanied by policy proposals. Their length should be between 2000 and 3000 words and they reviewed by the Editorial team.



Regarding bibliographic references, the Journal has adopted the following approach:

  • In-text references: Basic information of the sources used is briefly reported based on the Harvard citation system.

Indicatively:   - for one or two authors: (e.g., Hall and Soskice 2001)

                      - for more than two authors: (e.g., Meghir et al. 2017)

                      - for direct reference of text (word for word), the text must be put in quotes and the corresponding page in the citation should be included in the reference: (e.g., Hall and Sockice 2001:65)

  • Bibliographic List: For bibliography, the Journal adopts a policy of free choice of the bibliographic list compilation system. Authors can use any of the internationally established citation systems such as APA, Harvard, Chicago, etc. All references in the bibliography should be arranged alphabetically.


Writing Guidelines

Depending on the type of publication submitted, the text should contain the appropriate sections. The title of the texts must be accurate and relevant to the content and they should be submitted in both Greek and English. The abstracts include a brief reference to the purpose of the research, the methodology and the main conclusions, they are submitted in Greek and English and should not exceed 100 words. The texts should include five keywords in Greek and English.  

Texts should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 and line spacing 1.5.

The tables, graphs and images included in the text are centrally aligned, titled and captioned with the source, where appropriate, and numbered by consecutive Arabic numerals (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on). The tables and graphs must be clearly visible and in black and white. If the text is approved for publication, tables, graphs, and images must be resubmitted as separate PDF files. The authors are responsible for the formatting.

For texts written in Greek, the decimal point should appear with a comma (e.g., 0,03) while for texts written in English, with a period (e.g., 0.03). Letters of the Latin alphabet that appear as statistical indicators or variables appear in italics. Pointers and variables displayed in Greek letters are not italicized.

It is recommended that explanatory notes be kept as few as possible. If necessary, then they should be numbered in the text and listed at the end of the article (endnotes). In-text references and bibliography follow the policy mentioned above.

When submitting texts that undergo the review process authors should compile and submit 2 files in order to maintain anonymity during the review:

Title Page File: This file includes the title of the text, the abstract, the names and basic details of the authors (name, affiliation, contact details) and the five keywords, all in both Greek and English. This file also includes the Conflict of Interest Statement, Disclosure of Research Funding and the AI Use Disclosure, in accordance with the Journal's Publication Policies. This file also includes any Acknowledgements.  

Main Text File: This file includes the title of the text, the abstract and the five keywords, in Greek and English, as well as the main body of the text with the bibliography and any appendices.

The appropriate submission of all 2 files is necessary in order for the text to be considered for review. Files should be submitted in Word format.

Upon completion of each review round, revised files are submitted in the "Revisions" box at the bottom of the submission page. Use the Upload File button to upload your file. Revised texts shall not be submitted in the "Review Discussions" box or through a new submission but only in  the original submission.


Special Issues

The journal Regional Integration: Politics, Economics & Governance (Περιφέρεια) also hosts special issues dedicated to topics related to its research focus-area. Special issues can be published either following  an open call for papers of the Editorial Team or on the basis of proposals from researchers.

Proposals can be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief throughout the year. Proposals should include:

  • The title of the special issue and a summary of the topic .
  • The names of the proposed Editor(s).
  • The names of proposed authors.
  • The titles and summaries of the articles.

It is noted that each issue must include at least four papers as well as an Introductory Note from the Editor (s). The Editorial Team is responsible for approving the proposal for a special issue. The articles submitted for a special issue will undergo the review process as normal. Papers included in a proposal for a special issue that has been rejected may be resubmitted for publication in a subsequent issue of the Journal.


Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting texts to the Journal, authors are asked to confirm that their texts meet the following criteria:

  • All information that could identify the author(s) has been removed from both the content of the submitted files as well as the files’ names.
  • All references within the text that could identify the author(s) have been removed or modified (e.g., the phrase "as we have shown in the past..." is replaced by “as it has been shown in the past ... (Anonymous 2007)").
  • All necessary files have been prepared and include the required information in accordance with the Guidelines for Authors.
  • The text has been proofed for grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors.
  • All references cited in the text are included in the Bibliography and vice versa.
  • The work submitted to Regional Integration: Politics, Economics and Governance is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • The text does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The text does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, it has been obtained from the copyright holder.
  • The Publication Policies of the Journal have been read and have been accepted, and the authors have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal.

Articles that do not comply with the above guidelines are returned to the author for appropriate adaptation. The linguistic editing of the texts (in Greek or English) is the sole responsibility of the author.