Description of the basic psychometric characteristics and the factor structure of the Greek version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory

The aim of this study was to examine the basic psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory (PNI; Pincus, Ansell, Pimentel, Cain, Wright & Levy, 2009). The PNI is a self-report scale recently developed to measure both narcissistic grandiosity (Exploitativeness, Grandiose Fantasy, Self-sacrificing Selfenhancement)
and narcissistic vulnerability (Contingent Self-esteem, Hiding the Self, Devaluing, Entitlement rage). The English version of the PNI was translated to Greek and administered to 283 University students.
Confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate its factor structure in the Greek sample. Several models were evaluated: a. the initial seven-factor first-order model, b. three second-order models with two secondorder latent factors (Grandiosity, Vulnerability), c. three second-order models with three higher order latent factors (Grandiosity, Vulnerability, Malignancy). Goodness-of-fit indices showed better fit for the seven-factor structure, however, acceptable fit was also achieved for most of the second-order models as well. Reliability coefficients were within the acceptable standards for all subscales. The models are evaluated theoretically and the advantages of assessing narcissism in Greece with the PNI are discussed.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Καρακούλα Π., Τριλίβα Σ., & Τσαούσης Ι. (2020). Description of the basic psychometric characteristics and the factor structure of the Greek version of the Pathological Narcissism Inventory. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 20(2), 160–175.
- Issue
- Vol. 20 No. 2 (2013)
- Section

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