The therapeutic relationship in clinical and counseling psychology

Published: Jun 7, 2021
clinical psychology counseling psychology therapeutic relationship
Anastasia Kalantzi-Azizi
Maria Malikiosi-Loizos

The introductory article of this special issue presents the therapeutic relationship in clinical and counseling psychology in order to highlight their similarities and their differences.  Initially, reference is made to the particular characteristics of the therapeutic relationship from the point of view of clinical psychology  followed by the specific characteristics of the therapeutic relationship as supported  by  counseling psychology. As can be seen from the position taken by both  authors,  recent developments in both applied fields show a gradual  convergence in terms of the psychotherapy followed. Although at the beginning their differences seemed very obvious, through the years and  their historical development, they have gradually faded away, allowing their similarities to stand out based on the philosophical movements, their theoretical views and their scientific interventions. The convergence of clinical and counseling psychology, in terms of the factors building the therapeutic relationship, emphasize their mutual acceptance of concepts, goals and processes.

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Author Biographies
Anastasia Kalantzi-Azizi, National Kapodisatrian University of Athens
Psychology Department, School of Philosophy
Maria Malikiosi-Loizos, National Kapodisatrian University of Athens
Department of Early Childhood Education, School of Education
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